Thursday, June 19, 2008

Chaa Chaa Cha Chaanges

So a few things are shifting in my life:
1. Housing.
I'm moving into the ultimate hippy commune/my own garage apartment where I'll only have to share a kitchen/laundry area with people. I love it. My current roommate has destructed into a slobby, inconsiderate ghost. I look forward to clean spaces where the mess left for weeks at a time is entirely mine!

2. Grad School.
I'm applying to Law School/Public Policy schools where I can get a joint degree and focus on women's studies. I doing law? Well, I love the idea that I can be flexible, will possess a skill that will be applicable to all my social justice causes and provide me the means to be effective in my intellectual pursuits! Yay! More on that later....

3. Work.
My best friend just got fired from our job and it's been hard to keep morale high. I know it was partly her fault, but it nonetheless damaged the family-like quality of work I've been enjoying. I may just go work at whole foods if I can't handle it prior to entering graduate school. Who knows? Also, another co-worker was systematically pigeon-holed into quitting. She was a huge problem for me for a long time and just in the last 6 months, I had figured her out. I also got mad props at my job for learning to work with her. I know it's because of my Buddhist practice. She challenged me to figure out a way to deal, be compassionate, and ultimately build a relationship with her. While I wouldn't trust her as far as I can throw her and don't actually see her as a friend, I have a comfortable faux working relationship with her. And she quit. :( I won't miss a lot, but the less-than-a-handful of things I will miss, will be genuinely missed.

4. Love.
I'm in deep. Its wonderful. And he's moving. My Buddhist practice, once again, keeps things in perspective. When we're together: magic, fireworks, explosions (the only way!!!). The move will give us perspective. Are we meant to be? Only time will tell....and buddhism is keeping me in the moment, enjoying every second of it.

5. Family.
Mine is awesome. Littlest bro and sis are planning to visit me. Bro is hoping to move here (AMAZING, Progressive, great music-filled, young-person-filled area) and I know he'll love it. Anything is better than the conservative, elderly, polluted south. Sis is needing an escape and I miss her dearly. I hope they visit before I head down to s. America!

6. Bike Tour.
Planning takes forever. If I'm headed to Law School next fall...well....right before I enroll is the ONLY chance for freedom-based goals to be fulfilled. So, I'm doing a bike tour of some historical region of the U.S. or Canada. Thinking a month and a half of cycling. And possibly by myself. AND I'm shaving my head. Cliche? Sure. But something I've always wanted to do. Why? Freedom. From sexual desirability. From beauty pressures. From mainstream culture. From myself. And, when the hell else will I ever get the chance to do this again? As a lawyer? Hayl naw! So I gotta do what I can while I still can.

1 comment:

Frances Rae said...

Meg D is going to law school? Hell yeah! You know, I hear there is this really awesome law school in Portland, OR that would LOVE your background. Study for that LSAT woman - it's all about the time pressure and learning how to move on and let some questions go. Take as many practice tests as you can to get used to the time limitation.

Wow- so many other things to comment about: the first thing that comes to mind is the shaving of the head... yeah, you probably won't get the itch to make that move once you are trying to network in the legal community and land a job for after graduation. You are so wild! I wish I could liberate myself from this in-between hairstyle sometimes... sigh.

I'm jealous about S. America and the bike tour - and if I were practicing Buddhism, it would probably help me resist the envy.

Glad to hear that you are moving into a better space and that you are in love-deep. That's awesome.

I read that Durham has something like the lowest average age per capita and most singles per capita. I can see why you might be attracted to a place like that.

It just turned into summer here -- true to the summer solstice.

Anyhow - I'm sure you would love the enviro vibe at L&C -- voted the #1 elaw school in the nation this year. Being surrounded by awesome inspiring people is such a breath of fresh air. You could use a deep breath of what L&C has to offer, I'm sure.

Email me your new address and I'll send you the latest edition of Environmental Law. There's an article by Robert Bullard entitled "Toxic Wastes and Race at Twenty: Why Race Still Matters After All of These Years." It should be a good read.

Did I mention that I would LOVE LOVE LOVE for you to move to Portland?!?!?!